THE AMBASSADOR the fourth Andy Roark novel is officially out!
Pub day is always an exciting day...yesterday was also great because it is official, there will be two more Andy Roark novels coming to a bookstore near you.
Just discovered you and your Andy Roark novels. Really enjoy all the attention to detail. In the middle of reading The Off-Islander. So glad there are more.
Great news. Besides the realistic take on investigations, tactics, & what it was like back in the day. Pete Colt shows not only the camaraderie of military members/Veterans, you can almost feel "Survivors Guilt" as expressed in various ways by Andy. He continues to fight the good fight, a different type of anti-hero, that is grounded in reality. Doing what needs to be done to protect others & get justice. You also get some practical things & tips. I always carry at least 2 small snack size bags of chips whenever I go out hiking, paddling, or camping "Tasty Fire Starters!"
Just discovered you and your Andy Roark novels. Really enjoy all the attention to detail. In the middle of reading The Off-Islander. So glad there are more.
Great news. Besides the realistic take on investigations, tactics, & what it was like back in the day. Pete Colt shows not only the camaraderie of military members/Veterans, you can almost feel "Survivors Guilt" as expressed in various ways by Andy. He continues to fight the good fight, a different type of anti-hero, that is grounded in reality. Doing what needs to be done to protect others & get justice. You also get some practical things & tips. I always carry at least 2 small snack size bags of chips whenever I go out hiking, paddling, or camping "Tasty Fire Starters!"
Awesome news! Two more!!! I am very impressed with The Ambassador so far. About half way through and really enjoying it! All the best!